New Promo: Savage Existence - Savage Existence - (Groove Metal, Metal Core) Wednesday April 5 2023, 3:39 PM
New Promo: Savage Existence - Savage Existence - (Groove Metal, Metal Core)

Release Date: April 28th, 2023

FFO: Sepultura, Pantera, Incindinary

Location: Santa Ana, Costa Rica

Short Bio: Savage Existence is the extreme groove/death metal band created in Costa Rica by Daniel Cleland (guitars) and Jesse Radford (drums), both entrepreneurs from Canada, and experienced vocalist, producer and songwriter Anton Darusso (Wings of Destiny, Oxidize from Sweden, Magic Opera from Italy). They are joined by Daniel Ramos Castro (bass) and Andres Castro (guitars).  “ANIMALS” was produced and recorded by Logan Mader (Once Human, ex-Machine Head, ex-Soulfly). Savage Existence is inspired by old school metal, taking it to another level with blasting riffs, unconventional song writing, insane vocals, and an overall wall of heavy sound.

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Savage Existence Group Edited.jpg

2023 is shaping up to be a very busy year for Savage Existence, as they will be touring Europe with Ross the Boss from April-May (on the ‘Kings of Metal 35th Anniversary’ tour), and will be issuing their self-titled LP on April 28th (recorded by Logan Mader). 
“Savage Existence is extremely excited to be going on tour in Europe with a band as widely respected and accomplished as Ross the Boss,” says the band. “It’s an honor to be sharing music with our fans in Europe and we can’t wait to see you guys in the mosh pit!”

Savage Existence Tour Dates for ROSS THE BOSS (on ‘Kings of Metal 35th Anniversary’ tour) in Europe:

28 DE - Remchingen, No Playback Festival
29 BE - Vorselaar, De Dreef 
30 DE - Lingen, Alter Schlachthof
02 DE - Hannover, Musikzentrum
03 DE - Magdeburg, Factory
04 DE - Kassel, Goldgrube
05 DE - Andernach, Andernacher Metal Days
06 DE - Gladbeck, Gladbeck Metal Bash Open Air
07 NL - Drachten, Iduna
09 NL - Rotterdam, Baroeg
10 DE - Oldenburg, Amadeus
11 DK - Odense, Kansas City
12 DE - Hademarschen, Hademarscher Hof
13 DE - Hamburg Neu-Wulmstorf, Metal Bash

Group Picture Chihuahua.jpg

Follow the band at these links:

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